We believe in the divine inspiration of the Scriptures, their consequent inerrancy and infallibility, and as the Word of God, have the final authority in faith and life.
We believe in one God existing in three co-equal and co-eternal Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, is true God and true man.
We believe that man was created in the image of God, but sinned through the fall of Adam, and therefore all human beings are born sinful and become sinners in thought, word and deed.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, His ascension to heaven, His exaltation on high and He is now our High Priest and Advocate.
We believe in the visible and premillennial return of Jesus Christ to judge this world and to bring peace to the nations.
We believe that salvation is by grace through faith, not of works, and all who are saved are born again by the Holy Spirit and have become the children of God.
We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ and to convict, regenerate, indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believer for godly living and service.
We believe in the practice of the Sacrament of Baptism and Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
We believe in the eternal security, bodily resurrection and eternal blessedness of the saved.
We believe in faithfully maintaining the purity of the Church in doctrine and life according to the Word of God.

Our Ministries
Pulpit Ministry
We believe in the word of God as what Jesus said,
“The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”
John 6:63
The main feature of our Sunday Worship Services is the preaching of the Word of God over the pulpit.
Sunday School Ministry
We believe in developing a Sunday School Ministry that is founded in the careful teaching of the Scriptures. We also believe that there must be practical expressions of our understanding and diligent application of the Scriptures into life.
“And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures,which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:15 – 17
Young People's Group Ministry
We believe in ministry to young people to lay a solid foundation for their life and faith.
Prayer Ministry
We believe that prayer is a vital feature of being a Christian. At prayer meeting we are committed to learning lessons of prayer from the Scriptures.
Children's Church Ministry
We believe in ministry to the children. We are committed to leading little ones to the Lord early in life.
We have three different ministries for the children:
Beginners Sunday School is for children aged between 3-5.
Junior Worship I is for children aged between 6-8.
Junior Worship II is for children aged between 9-12.
Music Ministry
We believe in cultivating skills and a joyful spirit to offer songs of praises to the Lord our God.
Kitchen Ministry
We believe in making the effort to cultivate good and meaningful fellowship in the church over meals together.
Camp Ministry
We believe in the commitment to grow in our knowledge of God through the diligent study of Biblical doctrines at our camp ministries.
Family Camp
Youth Camp

Rev. (Dr) Charles Tan - Advisory Pastor
Rev. Christopher Lai - Resident-Pastor
Our Heritage
We belong to the Independent-Presbyterian Church Family with churches in Australia (Perth), India, Myanmar and Singapore.
Bethel I – 16 Mint Street (1995 – 2005) Bethel began humbly with a handful of people meeting in living rooms of homes and rented halls.
Bethany (Singapore) led by Pastor Charles Tan provided the vision and means for us to develop a church ministry in East Victoria Park. This relationship with Bethany has grown over the years to be a very precious and significant one!
Bethel II – 7 Milford Street (2005 – Present) At Bethel we have chosen the same motto as Bethany (our parent church). Our vision of a church is...